Old: Start the Journey (Content to be redirected to new pages)
My Rules were revealed in a flash of insight in 2013, the start of a journey I never imagined. Though I know them now, my Rules are always a test, and battle of the Six Words.
Creative World Views (The three divine Rules we’re born with)
Imagine a surreal and infinite playground, celestial sparks of joy emitted from children’s voices, music and hues so vivid they defy word. Each spark falls like a seed, holding its intention of light, its three Creative World Views set onto our earthly playground. But landing, the spark becomes aware there are poles of existence:
- air versus earth,
- north versus south,
- love versus fear,
- dark versus light.
The spark must learn these poles to generate its energy, to keep its light.
The Parental World Views (The six Rules we adopt by age four)
Choices form and the spark must learn the Rules to survive but not forget the purpose of its arrival: to bring light.
The Parental World Views are not always taught by our parents, but these ‘life lessons’ fall and stick to become the covert controlling levers in every decision we make, bringing us closer to or further away to what we want, to master the space between, defining the battles of our choices in writing the story of our life. We lose weight or we don’t, we find love or we don’t, we go after our true desires or settle for something less, we are the victim or we are victorious.
The Parental World Views are not ‘bad’; we learn more from what we don’t achieve, than by what we do. Fortunately, the Creative World Views are the divine thread to the Creative Voice within each of us that knows all the answers, if we would just listen.